Saturday, August 2, 2008

What would you do?

Good day, all!

Here's a bit of grist for the ol' mental mill. A real-life dilemma facing a real funeral home, and the real decisions made by the funeral home. A post in two parts.

Picture yourself as the owner of a funeral home who took the call that a professional athlete was killed while driving drunk and the family wants him shipped back home.

You also receive a call about a Hurricane Katrina evacuee that died in your area and her family wants her shipped back home.

Who do you ask to pay for your services?

What would YOU do and why?

Do we have a moral obligation to serve that overrules our business instincts?

Hmmmm...I just don't know. But I bet you do.

Fire away!

There's PR value for both, but which is the better choice? Which is the "RIGHT" choice?

Quite the quandary...I'll sit here and ponder that a while and wait to see what you say.



PS- Best regards to Lenette and my old buddy in Ohio!


Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't you ask both to pay?? I don't mean to be harsh but we offer a valuable service so why do we think it should be offered for free. I think if anything I might cut a deal to the Evacuee since they have already been through enough.. I think a lot of Funeral Homes problems are our own creation. We make money on service so lets give it and charge for it appropriately. Just my two cents, won't buy you coffee.....

Dan said...

I agree with Bryan, but if you WERE to give one away free-to whom would you?

Let's see what the rest of the class thinks on this one, Mr. Chandler. Any other takers?

James A. Morman said...

I might comp the evacuee family, but I agree with Bryan. As a general rule only I offer discounts to employees, my neighbors (who wants to look out the window every morning and see someone who owes you money?), people I have already served in the last 12 months, and of course indigents.