Thursday, June 5, 2008

I hope you enjoyed my guest blogger....

Greetings, good and gentle readers!

Please accept my apologies for my long, unexcused absence from this blog. I would to thank Mr. Marcel Marceau for his willingness to fill in as guest blogger during my hiatus.

Gently put, I ran out of gas. Some more health problems in the family and a breakneck pace at work, very little sleep AND a serious jones to do some fiction writing all culminated in a perfect storm where it was all I could do to finish my entry for the Writer's Digest Writing Competition on deadline and send a few articles in to Funeral Business Advisor all at the expense of my blog and its band of happy readers.

So with that being said, I'd like to let you know that I've completed the tasks I set out to do (including a racy entry into the aforementioned writing competition, which is something I spoke of doing for years but never did until now) and my family is healing (so I'm out of the running for SOB of the Year, just ask my wife.)

My question to you is...what have you been putting off doing for your business?

And what's stopping you?

In the spirit of the Guerrilla Director you know it's time to take action!

Hoist the Colours!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings from your pal in Ohio.

Welcome back to the wonderful world of blogging!

Glad to read that all are "healed" and that your time is back to manageable terms.

Do drop a line at your convenience.

Best Regards
